More ranting, but I'll keep it short! The Gettysburg campaign encompassed more than Gettysburg itself. A vast area was affected by the movement and fighting of both armies. No one said, "Let's go fight a 3 day battle in south-central PA, and then we'll call it quits and go home!"
JEB Stuart captured wagons in Rockville, MD: he also fought in Westminster, MD; Hanover, PA; York, PA; Carlisle, PA (where he shelled the town and burned the barracks); and Hunterstown, PA; among many other places where smaller engagements occurred.
The Confederate army passed through Chambersburg, Gettysburg, York, Carlisle, Biglerville, Cashtown, and every other small town along the way, 're-supplying themselves' (looting?) as they passed. Very little was spared, and most residents lost something. Some lost everything! Livestock, food, grain, etc.
Union cavalry passed through Littlestown and Two Taverns, both south of Gettysburg. The Union army passed through Taneytown and Emmittsburg, MD. It's a safe bet to also say 'some looting' occurred. (Hey, they needed animals fer cryin aht lahd!).
And on the retreat, well, everywhere from Gettysburg to Williamsport, MD was affected. Cashtown, Fairfield, Carroll Valley. The list goes on! The campaign started on June 9th in Brandy Station. The campaign ended on July 14th, when the ANV crossed the Potomac at Williamsport, MD. If you receive the above-pictured phone book, your area was affected by the campaign!
More can be said, but I promised to keep this one short! People who tell me, "Well, I live in Littlestown (or insert name of town here), so I don't know much about Gettysburg because nothing happened here!" have no idea of what actually did happen, oftentimes in their own backyard! The sad part is that they are everywhere!
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