Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Major Richard Winters...

...Leadership Project is something everyone should be aware of. For those who do not know, Major Winters began his military career as a lieutenant in Easy Co. of the 506 Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division in WWII. Winters was given command of E Company on D-Day, June 6th, 1944, after the plane carrying the company commander was lost during the initial drop. All on board were Killed. Winters quickly rose to the rank of captain and eventually major, taking command of the 2nd battalion of the 506th shortly before Bastogne. He was slightly wounded in Normandy, but took part in every campaign the 101st was involved in throughout the war. Their journey culminated with the occupation of Berchtestgaden and the capture of Hitler's alpine retreat, the Eagle's Nest.The story of Easy Company is featured in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers

A monument to honor all U.S. leaders in the Normandy campaign is proposed to be built in Ste. Marie-du-Mont, France, the objective of the 101st in the Normandy invasion. The monument will feature a sculpture of then Lt. Dick Winters and a documentary film.

Details on this project can be found at My wife and I will be undertaking various activities throughout the Summer to help raise money for this project, as $400,000 is needed! It is hoped by all that the funds are raised and the monument is completed shortly, so that Major Winters can witness via webcam the dedication ceremonies. Dick Winters is now 92 years old and is not in the best of health, so please donate if you can. Feel free to contact me for further details or information. Let's all do our best to support this noble endeavor!

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