Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Kennedy Family

Before we get into any of this, let me remind you all that a lot of what I’m going to post is personal opinion. Also, due to complexity of the topic, this story will be covered in four parts. First will be the intro. Second will be a bio of Joe Sr. Third will be the story of JFK and how he won the election.  Finally, we’ll conclude with my personal theory of the assassination. Feel free to question it. Feel free to post your own theory in the comments. Feel free even to say that I’m wrong. It is a topic of great debate.

By the way, I didn’t just go out and decide this on my own. Instead, have drawn my own personal conclusions from years of research, and from talking to people, like my parents, who were there. 

I feel that these posts are relevant due to our current election and potential scandal, but that’s not where I’m going. We will wait until this one is resolved before I say anything about it. 

However, corruption in US elections is nothing new. Some say it doesn’t happen or is exaggerated. Others say it’s a common occurrence that we’ve been conditioned to accept. As in many things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. 

The 1960 Presidential Election is one of the most significant elections in our history. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a wounded, decorated war hero beat Richard Millhous Nixon, another WWII veteran and a man who had served as Vice President under Dwight Eisenhower. By winning, Kennedy became the youngest elected President in our nation’s history. He also was the first catholic elected to the office.

Kennedy’s election was contentious at best. He also, as we all know, was assassinated shortly into his term. Conspiracy theories of all types abound in regard to the Kennedy assassination. Who ultimately was responsible for his death? Why was he killed? Was the assassination of his brother Bobby Kennedy in 1968 related to JFK’s assassination? Many theories exist, but no one can say what happened with any real degree of certainty. We know three things. JFK was elected. JFK was assassinated. Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK’s killer, was killed before he could stand trial. 

By all accounts, Nixon was the favorite in the 1960 election. He was Ike’s VP, and Ike ran a successful Presidency, ending the Korean War, upgrading our infrastructure, and setting the basis for our nationwide interstate highway system. Ike was relatively free of political scandal. Nixon was hoping to use the momentum gained from his partnership in Ike’s administration and easily be elected. 

Yet, he lost. Kennedy won a very close race. How did it happen? More in Part 2. 

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